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The Development of Taiwan's 'Min-Practice' Ink Painting Style, 18th-Mid 19th Century
作者 賴國生
Taiwan's painting in the Qing period originated from the Chinese mainland. When studying Taiwan's painting in this period, scholars found a specific style, which they call the ”Min-practice.” Scholars generally think that this style came from the influence of Qing Dynasty Fujian painter Huang Shen. However, where does the word ”Min-practice” come from? Can Taiwan's ”Min-practice” style be traced back to even earlier painters? How did ”Min-practice” style develop in Taiwan? These are the questions that this paper discusses. Huang Shen and his teacher Shangguan Zhou, who he learned painting from in his early age, were criticized as ”not losing Min-practice.” Therefore this paper asserts that originally the ”Min-practice” indicated the painting style popular in Fujian before Huang Shen and Shangguan Zhou. The term did not mean Huang Sheng's loose and free style as today's scholars think. This paper states that the style popular in Fujian before Huang Shen and Shangguan Zhou's time was the Zhe School's painting tradition, which was the more delicate court style popular during the Southern Song Dynasty. However, Huang Shen's husky style is not totally unrelated to the Zhe School. Scratchy painting style has emerged in the works by some of the Zhe School painters during the Ming Dynasty. Some calligraphers of the late Ming period also tended to write in a weird and scratchy style. These can be seen as sources of Huang Shen's style. Huang Shen's loose and scratchy style was popular in Fujian, and later spread to Taiwan.
起訖頁 81-138
關鍵詞 台灣繪畫閩習福建繪畫浙派水墨畫Taiwan paintingMin-practiceFujian paintingZhe Schoolink painting
刊名 成大歷史學報  
期數 200706 (32期)
出版單位 國立成功大學歷史學系
該期刊-上一篇 《四庫全書》賡續諸編所收女性著述
該期刊-下一篇 清季那桐赴日考察與新政的開展




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