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The Content Analysis of the 'Nervous System' Unit in Current Versions of Junior High School Science Textbooks
作者 葉季昀
In the process of science teaching and learning, it is believed that the textbooks are the main sources of teaching and students' concept knowledge learning. The learning materials that adapted to the concept logic are noticeable for the textbook editors and the instructors. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the content and layout of ”nervous system” in three current versions of junior high school science textbooks that were censored based on Curriculum Guidelines of Ministry of Education. It shows that all three versions of textbooks arranged ”nervous system” unit in the chapter of ”regulation” for the employment of first semester science course. Three versions of textbooks reveal similarity in ”nervous system” concept classification, and beginning with the concepts of ”stimulus and receptor” and ”response and effector”. There was a great difference in the logic of concept organization among three versions of textbooks, except ”stimulus and receptor” and ”response and motor” concepts. The results of this study can be reference for the improvement of the textbook editing and the teaching material organizing, as followed. 1. Three versions of textbooks made clear and similar statements of the constitution and functions of ”brain and spinal cord” that belongs to the subordinate concept of ”central nervous system”. 2. Not only the coordinate relationship between concept ”central nervous system” and ”peripheral nervous system” in all the three textbook versions were not made clear and explicit statements but also the relationships between ”sensory neuron, motor neuron and cranial nerve, spinal nerve” that belongs to the subordinate concept of ”peripheral nervous system” were not.
起訖頁 24-39
關鍵詞 國中自然科教科書神經系統同位關係下位概念junior high schoolscience textbooksnervous systemcoordinate relationshipsubordinate concept
刊名 科學教育月刊  
期數 200603 (286期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學科學教育中心
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