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Resolution and Composition: Weber's Latent but Prominent View on Technology and Modernity
作者 張宏輝
韋伯(Max Weber)的關心交錯著兩個軸線:一是構成西方歷時性的差異--即形成與古代和中世紀不同的現代性的因素為何?二則是西方與其他世界共時性的差異--即西方與其他世界之所以不同的因素為何?為釐清「現代性轉折」,韋伯主要關注以下五個相互糾結連鎖的面向:(1)世界理性化與解除魔咒的歷程。(2)宗教正當化解除魔咒,許多各自有其價值領域的自主性生命秩序,彼此分離並發生衝突。(3)各個價值領域被工具理性的力量所化約,諸種價值的追求由理性目的所導引,促使西方文化走向同質化與技術化。(4)愈來愈強調個體價值時,各價值領域卻共同開展出非人格化制度,強調抹除所有個人質的差異性,建立客觀性。(5)同質的客觀性,是以可計算性原則為主導的現代技術形式。韋伯一方面指出可計算性特質對西方文化的重要性,另一方面明確地指出:精確的計算--其他一切的基--只有在自由勞動的基底上方有可能。西方文化複合體的技術性發展,在可計算性原則之外,還有另一條重要主線:把資本主義機器的各項要素併聯「組裝」結合的「質」的原則:「分解」與「組合」的方法。韋伯的討論可以區分出二個主要內容:第一、前資本主義時期的希臘、羅馬的根源:拼音文字、一神教、羅馬法、市民權等。第二、「現代性轉折」時期:貨幣、時鐘、印刷術、簿記、股份公司、官僚制及基督新教對非人格化倫理的建構等。
Weber's concern crisscross two axes: what causes modernity different from the ancient and medieval and the reason why the Western world differs from the other's factors. Weber focuses on several intertwined aspects. (1) processes of rationalization and disenchantment of the world. (2) many of each autonomous life order with the value field separates from each other and have conflicts mutually. (3) every value field is simplified by the power of instrumental rational appeal. Western culture moves toward homogenization and technicalization. (4) western culture puts more emphasis on an individual's value, each value field co-develops the institution of depersonalization. (5) the homogeneous objectivity to be the form of modern technology with a computable principle. Weber also points out the accurate calculation exists on the foundation of free labor and the "quality" principles and the resolutive and compositive methods of the western cultural complex technical development. Weber's discussion includes: (1) the roots of Greek and Roman during the precapitalistic period: alphabetic writing, monotheism, Roman law, citizenship etc. (2) the "turning point in modernity": money, the clock, printing, bookkeeping, stock companies, bureaucracy and the formation of Protestant ethic on impersonal ethic.
起訖頁 53-108
關鍵詞 分解組合組裝力量的聚集遙遠的控制ResolutionCompositionAssembleGathering StrengthRemote Control
刊名 思與言  
期數 201503 (53:1期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 孟德斯鳩與節制的現代性
該期刊-下一篇 傅柯倫理學中自我與他者之關係




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