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Executive Power Operation and Local Governance: Case Studies of Energy Issues in Taiwan and in Romania
作者 張峻豪
Taking the hotly debated energy issues in Taiwan and in Romania as its research focus, this paper attempts to analyze how executive powers from the central government intervene in local governance and politics. This paper firstly draws on governance theory to delineate the triangular power relation among the two executive heads, namely the president and the premier, and local grass-roots governance, in Taiwan and in Romania. It is argued that for Taiwan and Romania, as the unitary state that emphasizes decentralization, when it comes to issues concerning both national and local interests, the two-headed executive framework and executive-legislative interaction do influence the leading executive's policy, as well as the central government's instruction to the local government. Based on the cases of energy controversy in the two countries, this paper also suggests that the executive heads' power relation and their political interests are main factors which put energy issues in the dilemma of promoting economic development or advocating environmental protection.
起訖頁 99-158
關鍵詞 雙元行政權治理共治半總統制能源議題two-headed executive powergovernancecohabitationsemipresidentialismenergy issue
刊名 思與言  
期數 201409 (52:3期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 脆弱性的資訊科技風險治理文化:考察病歷電子化之制度性無知
該期刊-下一篇 環境正義的治理:從美國法院判決看環境正義的自我指涉機制




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