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Doctrinal Studies of Law and Legal Diversity: Taiwan's Jurisprudential Development in 'Thought and Words'
作者 張嘉尹
This paper retrospectively studies academic articles that have been published on the journal, ”Thought and Words” in the past fifty years. It identifies that, although ”Thought and Words” advocates interdisciplinary studies, this journal more focused on doctrinal studies of law in the first forty years. But ”Thought and Words” has switched gears and accepted diversified articles of legal studies during the last ten years. This phenomenon is related to the fact that ”Thought and Words” has adopted the special session as its focal point and reflects Taiwan's contemporary development of jurisprudence. In parallel with this phenomenon this paper also reviews the idea of doctrinal studies of law as the paradigm of jurisprudence in Taiwanand its limitation from the perspective of works that investigate the nature of jurisprudence and doctrinal studies of law in Germany. This paper argues that legal studies in Taiwan should head for multiple developments and interdisciplinary studies on law. The attitude toward articles that ”Thought and Words” should adopt is to keep its current policyto strengthen the jurisprudential diversity and interdisciplinary studies on law.
起訖頁 199-231
關鍵詞 法學法釋義學部門法學法律的科際整合研究法學的多元化Jurisprudencedoctrinal studies of lawbranched studies of lawinterdisciplinary studies on lawjurisprudential diversity
刊名 思與言  
期數 201312 (51:4期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 《思與言》和臺灣社會學的發展
該期刊-下一篇 《思與言》和臺灣經濟學界的發展




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