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Reviewing the Role of 'Thought and Words' in the Development of Philosophy in Taiwan
作者 林安梧
This paper aims at investigating the philosophical dimension of the journal of Thought and Words and, based on this, discusses the development of philosophy in Taiwan. It shows that this journal has existed so long partly due to the convergence of liberal and conservative camps in Taiwan, in which this journal has suggested a theoretical direction for academic practice. It then turns to a philosophical interpretation of the ”Inaugural statement” of Thought and Words, and recognizes the journal's enlightenment spirit from the May Fourth Movement and its emphasis on the practicability of empiricism. This paper also indicates that its main concerns are social science, anthropology and psychology. Its philosophical discourses are more on concrete and practical issues. Nonetheless, this atmosphere may lead to a new wave of thought in Taiwan.A comparison of the philosophical reflections of this journal in the 1990s and the present shows its development from the period of Martial Law to that of the abolishment of Martial Law. There could still be some poverty of philosophy in Taiwan, but there are also some new possibilities since it has already directed its attention to the rediscovery of the meaning of life-world, the socio-historical totality and political-economic activities. Through the contrast between the perspectives of continuity of being and discontinuity of being, this paper presents the difference between the East and the West and suggests the potentiality of the communication of and the integration of both sides.
起訖頁 117-157
關鍵詞 存有科學主義生活世界異化治療beingscientismlife-worldalienationtherapy
刊名 思與言  
期數 201312 (51:4期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 《思與言》的史學實踐
該期刊-下一篇 《思與言》和臺灣社會學的發展




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