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Discussion on Commentary Forms and Their Meanings in 'Lijizhengyi'; the Literary Thinking and Creation Practice through Early Medieval Age
作者 陳志信
The purpose of this essay is to represent scenarios of the Jing-commentary banquets through Early Medieval Age (from Weijin Period to Early Tang Dynasty). By examining the commentary forms in ”Lijizhengyi”, we see that the notes, titles, chapters, and sentences, arranged in sequence, are actually the representation of such scenarios. Though they are composed in advance, we can figure out from these vivid scenes the ways how the scholars speak, listen, inquire and respond to each other. The images also lead them to share their understanding for the essence of the long-inherited etiquette together with other ancient and contemporary Liji devotees. We get the ideas that the practice of these forms are the ways how the contemporary Confucians carry out their beliefs in everlasting cultural linage. The determination to make culture incessant also echoes to the literary field. In brief, by inspecting ”Lijizhengyi”, we can see the burning will from Weijin to make culture enduring. Maybe it is the undying will that causes scholars or writers to cast their devotion to various symbol activities.
起訖頁 143-192
關鍵詞 講經禮記正義文化圖譜初唐經學魏晉六朝文學Jing-commentary banquet'Lijizhengyi'cultural linageEarly-Tang JingxueWeijin Liuchao Literature (Early Medieval Chinese Literature)
刊名 思與言  
期數 201206 (50:2期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 單身:十九世紀法國社會的「痲瘋病」
該期刊-下一篇 反身性運作:「觀察」臺灣社會理論生成之可能性




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