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作者 夏志鵬劉革平
With the development of virtual reality technology and the optimization of network environment, three-dimensional virtual world which has the features of immersive is widely used in the field of education. But for learners, because of the lack of guidance and the Information Trek, three-dimensional virtual learning environment has a greater cognitive load than web-based learning environment. As one of the applications of artificial intelligence, virtual teacher has the features of lively, interactive, affinity and so on, which can provide effective teaching service and help learners to adapt to the three-dimensional virtual environment quickly and effectively. This study investigate and analyze the reason why learners have difficulties to adapt to the three-dimensional virtual environment, and proposes that virtual teacher which has so many advantages can help learners to adapt to the three-dimensional virtual environment quickly and effectively. At last, this study tests the validity of virtual teacher by experiment.
起訖頁 098-103
關鍵詞 三维虚拟学习环境虚拟教师操作指导Open-Sim3D Virtual Learning EnvironmentOpen-Sim
刊名 中國電化教育  
期數 201605 (352期)
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 同伴在线互助学习交互行为分析
該期刊-下一篇 困惑与突破:区域教师信息化教学能力培训实践研究




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