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Beyond Anarchy: Order-Oriented Political Thoughts in the Pre-Qin Era and Their Inspirations to the International Relations Paradigm
作者 陳欣之
Assuming an anarchical international structure, main-stream international relations paradigm from the West argued that international actors could only accommodate to this anarchical structure with power struggles for survival. However, Chinese political thoughts in the pre-Qin era encouraged states to seek the dominant position instead and to construct a corresponding hierarchical order. This essay hopes to go beyond the existing assumption held by the major international relations paradigm, and tries to explore new approaches with order-orientated political thoughts in the pre-Qin era. It also tries to understand how and why the international actors in the pre-Qin era compete for the dominant position. Major political thoughts in China's pre-Qin era assumed that the international structure naturally pushes actors to seek hierarchical order so to manage their internal and external disorders. States will look for power domination status in the international environment and construct a world order with the dominating state at its core.
起訖頁 129-164
關鍵詞 無政府狀態層級主宰地位國際體系先秦AnarchyHierarchyDominate PositionInternational SystemPre-Qin Era
刊名 政治科學論叢  
期數 201503 (63期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學政治學系
該期刊-上一篇 黨主席選舉競爭與政黨組織定位:以民主進步黨為例之研究




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