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Referendum and Its Implied Concept of the People
作者 李俊增
This paper shows that referenda have some different kinds of unitary, exclusive characters which impliedly presuppose corresponding homogeneous concepts of a people. Therefore, the use of referenda is more likely to lead to the tyranny of the majourity and harm the civil rights of minority groups. Autocratic rulers even turn referendum democracy into plebiscitarian democracy or use referenda as devices of acclamation for themselves. By contrast, the Swiss, composed of sufficient diverse societal groupings (race, language, religion, etc.), are a people of inclusion united by a culture of “consociational integration and mutualism” that’s deeply rooted in his history. The Swiss embrace diversity of various sorts of groupings. In Switzerland, minorities are not only tolerated. They are favored. The existence of such a people of inclusion has important effects on the use of referenda. Referenda’s unitary, exclusive characters are moderated in witzerland. Popular votes were seldomly used to curtail the rights or the status of minorities. Minority groups even usually exploit referenda to express their voices and compel the government to compromise its policies. Moreover, Switzerland’s consociational regime has been partly shaped by minority’s exploitations of referenda. Multilingual Switzerland seems (still) to prove that direct democracy is integrative force. Indeed, Direct-democracy instruments are one important factor explaining Switzerland’s stable democracy.
起訖頁 193-273
關鍵詞 公投一元性格同質性人民概念協和式民主包容性人民概念referendumunitary characterconcept of a homogeneous peopleconsociational regimeconcept of a people of inclusion
刊名 高大法學論叢  
期數 201603 (11:2期)
出版單位 國立高雄大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 刑法共同正犯概念之理解新義──第28條的現在與未來




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