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The Legal Ecology of Internet Finance and Its Path of Regulation
作者 唐清利關長宇何真
The internet finance, through a “coupling fermentation” process between internet technology and finances, has become a hotly disputed social issue that calls for necessary attention. At present, a series of following problems within the theoretical as well as the systematic level needs to be solved, including recognizing the nature, meaning and conceptual extension of internet finance; determining of the boundary between the government and the market along the development and regulation of internet finance; dealing with the mutual relations between internet finance and traditional finance. To answer these questions, it is important to discuss the deeper essence of Internet Finance together with its applicational logic in China, through which its aberrant components can be removed whereas the beneficial functionalities would be brought into exertion. Specifically, the relations between government and market, self-discipline and heteronomy, safety and innovation should be properly balanced and also, the rules upon Internet Finance should be established through a combined consideration about law and policy in order to achieve the healthy growth of Internet Finance.
起訖頁 440-448
關鍵詞 互聯網金融法律生態規範路徑Internet FinanceLegal EcologyRegulation Path
刊名 科技与法律  
期數 201406 (2014:3期)
出版單位 中國科學技術法學會
該期刊-上一篇 互聯網金融與現行監管規則
該期刊-下一篇 淺議互聯網金融背景下的非法集資問題




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