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A Quantitative Study Based on the Large-Scale Corpus of the Chinese Separable Words
作者 王海峰
本文借鑒語料庫驅動研究方法(corpus-driven approach)的理念,利用北大語料庫對《漢語水準辭彙與漢字等級大綱》中207個離合詞進行考察,得出結論:1.所謂離合詞,實際上“合”是常態(regular),“離”是異態(idiosyncratic);2.離合詞插入“了”的離析形式最多,其次是插入補語或插入名詞/代詞以及數量詞的離析形式,而插入動詞性形式的情況最少;3.離合詞離析形式的出現種類與以這些形式離析的離合詞的數量和所占比例成反比;4.離合詞的離析頻率與使用頻率正相關。
Based on the corpus-driven approach and the comprehensive study of the 207 Chinese separable words cognized in the Peking University corpus “the General Outline of Vocabulary for HSK” , this paper draws a conclusion that 1.The separation degree of the Chinese separable words is not as high as expected and the joint forms of the separable words are “regular” while the separated forms are “idiosyncratic”; 2.The separating forms can generally be reduced to 13 categories. Statistics shows that the most frequent separating form is “le”, secondly is complement, noun (pronoun), qualifier, and the least separating forms are verb components; 3.The separating particles and the numbers of the separable words with the separating forms form an inverse ratio: the fewer the particles of the separating forms are, the greater the number and higher the ratio the separable words have, and vice versa; 4.Most of the separable words with higher frequency are those used most frequently in daily life. The separable words with lowest frequency are those used least frequently in daily life.
起訖頁 59-89
關鍵詞 語料庫離合詞定量離析形式頻率CorpusSeparable wordsQuantitativeSeparated formsFrequency
刊名 華語文教學研究  
期數 200906 (6:1期)
出版單位 世界華語文教育學會
該期刊-上一篇 華語隱性賓語的理解與限制
該期刊-下一篇 漢字知識本體在漢字教學的應用




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