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作者 William Tetley (William Tetley)毛國權
普通法法系與民法法系在歷史傳統、樣式、理論與實踐等方面存在相當的差异,但是在一些特別的國家或地區,來自普通法法系、民法法系以及其他法律傳統的因素共同促成了一種特殊的法律體系— 混合法律體系,這些國家或地區成為混合法域。本文的目的即在於提供一種關於混合法律體系和混合法域的綜合觀點。本文在界定法律體系、法律傳統、民法和普通法、制定法、混合法律體系和混合法域的概念的基礎上,辨別、評估了民法和普通法兩大法律傳統在方法、風格、解釋和規則等方面的不同之處;同時考察了民法法系的一些原則對當代普通法的影響,歷史上的“商人法”、現代商事慣例法促成跨國、跨法系商法的影響;以及論述了蘇格蘭、南非、魁北克、路易斯安那、埃及等混合法域的歷史發展和現實特徵,它們可以是法典化的或者是非法典化的法域。一個混合法域的長期存在,是由該法域至少存在兩種官方語言或者至少是廣泛使用的語言、雙重立法體系以及雙重司法體系、對不同法律傳統都有深刻理解的法律人等因素所支撐的。民法與普通法傳統或者其他法律傳統都為混合法域做出了有價值的貢獻,應得到平等的尊重和保留。只有這樣,世界上不同法律傳統的融合才能真正地豐富和鞏固民族與國際法律文化。
The civil law is distinguished from the common law in the historical tradition, style, theory and practice. The mixed legal System prevails in some countries or areas, in which the laws in force are derived from the different factors of the common law, the civil law and/or other legal traditions and legal cultures. These countries or areas become the mixed jurisdictions. The ultimate purpose of this article is to present a general view of mixed legal systems and mixed jurisdictions. This paper defines legal systems, legal traditions, the civil and the common law, statutory law, mixed legal systems and mixed jurisdictions. Based on these definitions, it distinguishes and reviews the civil law from the common law in their approach, style, Interpretation, and substantive rules. The influence of certain civilian principles on contemporary common law is examined, as well as the influence of the historic “Law Merchant”and the modern lex mercatoria in promoting the beginnings of a transnational, trans-systemic commercial law. This paper also analyses the historical development and character of some mixed jurisdictions, in which the legal systems are codified or uncodified, such as Scotland, South Africa, Quebec, Louisiana and Egypt. The long-term survival of a mixed Jurisdiction is greatly facilitated by the presence of at least two official or at least widely-spoken languages, dual systems of legislation, dual systems of courts and lawyers possessing a thoroughgoing understanding of the different legal traditions concerned. Both the civil law and the common law traditions make valuable contributions to mixed legal systems and mixed jurisdictions, and the two traditions should be duly respected and kept in equilibrium. Only in that way can the“convergence”of the different traditions, now under way in the world, truly enrich and strengthen national and international legal culture.
起訖頁 99-175
關鍵詞 混合法域普通法法系民法法系法律傳統Mixed JurisdictionCommon LawCivil LawLegal Tradition
刊名 私法  
期數 200311 (5期)
出版單位 華中科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 《中國物權法草案建議稿》:一個比較借鑒與確定中國物權法特色的過程--對梁慧星研究員主持《中國物權法草案建議稿》的分析
該期刊-下一篇 保險期內危險程度增加的法律問題




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