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The Study on the Drawbacks, Criticisms and Feedbacks Derived from Testing on the Essay Questions of Books of Rites from the Perspective of Ming- Qing's Studies on the Books of Rites in the Imperial Examination
作者 侯美珍
"The Book of Rites" was one of Five Classics in the imperial examination of Ming and Qing Dynasty, which did not include "Book of Etiquette and Ceremonial and Rites of Zhou". The grading criterion was originally based on the ancient interpretation; however, after Youngle Emperor, it was adapted to Chen Hao's "The Collection of Commentaries on the Book of Rites". With regard to the drawbacks and regulations of the exam of Book of Rites, there were former scholars criticizing consecutively. Hence, the three greatest drawbacks which were criticized by the former scholars are the unused content of the Book of Rites involving funerals, taboos and ill omens by the examiners, confined testing content of the Book of Rites leading Chouli and Yili to be ignored, and the criticism of the hollow Rites caused by Chen Hao's "The Collection of Commentaries on the Book of Rites". This study mainly focuses on discussing the reasons why the former scholars dissented. Furthermore, it analyzes the scholars' suggestions for modifying and the officials' responses to find out why the modification was failure.
起訖頁 145-178
關鍵詞 《禮記》明清科舉明清經學陳澔《禮記集說》科舉用書Book of Ritesthe imperial examinationMing-Qing ClassicsChen Hao"The Collection of Commentaries on the Book of Rites"imperial examination preparation books
刊名 國文學報  
期數 201506 (57期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 理學中的寂感型態及其意義
該期刊-下一篇 陳祚明之情辭觀及其蕭綱詩評




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