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The Agricultural Ethics of Ninomiya Sontoku
作者 山內友三郎
Ninomiya Sontoku 二宮尊德 (1787-1856) or Kinjiro 金次郎, was the renowned Japanese farmer-sage in the Edo Era (1603-1867). Sontoku's environmental thoughts and practices are based on the pre-modern, ecological world view that is characteristic of pre-industrial Japanese society; it consisted mainly of Shintoism mixed with Japanese Confucianism and Buddhism. Sontoku's practical solution to the puzzling problem of the human-to-nature Relationship lay in the symbiotic co-elaboration of both. Human beings owe gratitude (恩) to Heaven and Earth (our great father and mother), to our ancestors, parents, and lords, and so we are obliged to repay the debt we owe (恩). The main virtues he practiced and recommended for people were diligent labor (勤), frugality (儉), and concession (讓) in agriculture and economics, in order to increase natural produce by 'assisting the transforming and nourishing process of Heaven and Earth' (贊天地之化育, 大學). This is Sontoku's teaching of 'reward for virtue' (報德). Sontoku eventually rescued more than six hundred villages and tens of thousands of people. He not only saved devastated farms, but also saved people from mental collapse by helping them to be independent financially and morally. Sontoku's achievements testified to his belief that Confucian moral politics (仁政) rather than modern Western power-politics and self-interested economics, can make people happy and restore nature at the same time. In pre-war Japan, Sontoku was a national hero who appeared in elementary school textbooks on moral education called 'cultivating oneself' (修身), as a model of Confucian and other virtues. All national elementary schools had his bronze statue on a pedestal near the main entrance—carrying on his back a bundle of firewood gathered in the mountains, walking, and reading a book. In post-war, modernized and industrialized Japan he was neglected and his school of thought was almost forgotten. However, recently his thoughts and practices have been revived, and looked under fresh light of global environmental crisis.
起訖頁 235-257
關鍵詞 Ninamiya Sontokusocial welfare ethicsenvironmental ethicsworld vieweco-holistic levelhotoku-kyonen-giri, bun-do二宮尊德社福倫理環境倫理世界觀全方位健康生態水平
刊名 臺灣東亞文明研究學刊  
期數 201512 (12:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學東亞經典與文化研究計畫
該期刊-上一篇 語言、文化與認同:臺灣的羅馬拼音及其意涵
該期刊-下一篇 邁向儒家式的全球治理




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