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A Way of Learning: Bridging Ancient Chinese Philosophy of Education with Contemporary Learning Assessment and Learning rganizations
作者 James D. Sellmann (James D. Sellmann)
What are the processes by which education and learning occur? Why do some individuals and groups appear to benefit more from education and why do they appear to be more proficient learners than others? For nearly 2000 years the imperial dynastic systems of China, in particular, and East Asia, in general, were supported by an educated bureaucracy. For the elite, education began in the home. The least well-off formed village schools in an attempt to have a village member pass the civil service examination, ensuring an appointment and access to resources. From the family and village school to the state bureaucracy, the success of these groups was measured by their ability to produce valued outcomes. The educated became members of the bureaucracy, controlling the supply of natural and human resources and state power. These learning groups were for the most part self-monitored and goal orientated. The stakes were high. When these learning groups failed, people lost their livelihood, sometimes their lives, and in extreme cases the dynasty collapsed. More often than not, these learning groups were successful, and we should be able to learn from them. In this paper I argue that ancient Chinese approaches to activate and achieve student learning can inform contemporary concerns and approaches toward student learning outcomes. I argue that imperial China had its own form of 'liberal education,' and that contemporary American liberal education could enhance its global, multicultural, and world citizen concepts, ideals, values and beliefs by analyzing, integrating, and valuing other forms of learning and education.
起訖頁 149-190
關鍵詞 Learning organizationsstudent learning outcomesthe Fifth Disciplineliberal educationConfucianismDaoismBingjia (military)學習型組織學生學習成果第五項修練自由派教育儒家道家兵家
刊名 臺灣東亞文明研究學刊  
期數 201512 (12:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學東亞經典與文化研究計畫
該期刊-上一篇 全球化時代的古典道家思想:從溯因推理到早期道家宇宙論中的語境化方法
該期刊-下一篇 語言、文化與認同:臺灣的羅馬拼音及其意涵




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