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Discoursing 'Japan' in Taiwanese Identity Politics: The Structures of Feeling of the Young Harizu and Old Japanophiles
作者 李明璁
對不同世代的臺灣人來說,「日本」持續被象徵性地挪用,以作為想像、論述和建構自身混雜認同的核心素材。相較於一種被動態的質問:「臺灣人如何受到日本殖民宰制和文化影響?」,本文嘗試追問:作為臺灣人的主體意識,如何積極接合其主動擬構的「理想化日本」認同?並據此回答以下兩個問題:(一) 如何理解臺灣年輕人的「哈日」情感,即使這種情感相應遭遇主流社會之污名?(二) 跨世代的臺灣人如何承繼或協商其對「日本」的文化印象,進而整合至他們彼此的集體認同建構?本文使用情感結構(structures of feeling)的概念,分析「親日」年長者和「哈日」年輕人之間跨代際的認同聯結與斷裂;同時也討論了二○○○年前後的三個歷史事件案例:《認識臺灣》教科書爭議、釣魚臺主權歸屬爭議、以及小林善紀漫畫《臺灣論》爭議。最後,基於東亞社會學的比較研究視野,本文亦討論臺灣在「後哈日」年代的本土復振、中國磁吸與「韓流」趨勢中,型塑跨文化主體認同的可能樣貌。
This paper explores how Taiwanese people appropriate symbolic 'Japan' to envisage, discourse and pursue their own—but hybridized—identities. Rather than asking 'how the Taiwanese have been affected or dominated by Japan,' which positions the Taiwanese as passive subjects, I emphasize their active engagement with somewhat idealized 'Japan.' The two questions are elaborated: (1) How do we understand that so many young Taiwanese enthuse about 'Japan,' despite simultaneous moral panic arising from a sense that this trend seriously threatens national/cultural identity? (2) How do Taiwanese people articulate and negotiate their subjectivities with such a culturally embedded 'Japan,' and further reshape their identities? I adopt the concept of 'structures of feeling' to develop a historical/genealogical articulation between older and younger 'Japanophiles;' and then discuss three historical events—the two disputes over Taiwan's revised textbooks and over the sovereignty of the Diaoyutai/Senkaku Islands in 1997, as well as the uproar over the provocative Japanese manga (comic book) On Taiwan in 2001—to find the role of 'Japan' within a conflictridden Taiwanese identity politics. Finally, on the framework of comparative East-Asian sociology, I provide some observation to overview the trans/ formation of the cultural-political relations and the peoples' identification between Taiwan, Japan, Korea and China.
起訖頁 49-103
關鍵詞 Japanstructures of feelingidentity politicsTaiwanese Japanophileshari日本情感結構認同政治臺灣親日者臺灣哈日族
刊名 臺灣東亞文明研究學刊  
期數 201512 (12:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學東亞經典與文化研究計畫
該期刊-上一篇 藤原惺窩的東亞觀——對明朝、朝鮮、安南三國的省視
該期刊-下一篇 全球化時代的古典道家思想:從溯因推理到早期道家宇宙論中的語境化方法




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