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勞資關係論叢 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Impact of the Women’s Act 2010 on Female Employment Status and Child and Maternal Mortality in The Gambia
作者 Chih-Chien Lai (Chih-Chien Lai)Mariam Jaye Sowe (Mariam Jaye Sowe)
本研究以「甘比亞《2010婦女法》對其女性雇用狀況與兒童和孕婦死亡率的影響」為題,分析並檢視甘比亞(The Gambia)政府為了降低兒童和孕婦死亡率、賦予並促進婦女參與該國社會經濟發展,透過訂頒《2010婦女法》後,對女性就業、孩童與孕婦死亡率所帶來的影響情形。本研究主要先檢視了該法案為女性雇用狀況帶來的影響和兩者間的關係,並進一步檢視該法案為兒童與產婦健康帶來的效果。資料蒐集採用超過12年間可用的統計資料,比較了不同研究、政策及理論等資料,結果顯示,儘管該法案已實施多年,就業率與類型依然反應出性別不平等現象,仍舊存在於該國的許多經濟領域。此外,該國產婦和兒童死亡率仍未能如期地獲得降低。最後,本研究則依據研究發現提出相關建議。
The government of The Gambia aims to reduce child and maternal mortality, as well as empower and promote the participation of women in the socio-economic development of the country. To help enhance this agenda, the Women's Act 2010 was implemented. This paper examined the relationship between the Act and female employment as well as its impact on this variable. It went further to examine the effect of the Act on child and maternal health outcomes. The paper used available statistical data over a period of 12 years, compared data from different researchers, and also used policies and theories. Results revealed that the rates and patterns of employment still reflect the same gender inequalities existing in many areas of the country's economy, despite the implementation of the Act. Furthermore, the country is still not on track in reducing maternal and child mortality. Suggestions and recommendations were offered based on the findings.
起訖頁 43-64
關鍵詞 帶薪產假2010婦女法女性雇用兒童死亡率孕婦死亡率Paid Maternity Leave (PML)Women's Act 2010female employmentchild mortality and maternal mortality
刊名 勞資關係論叢  
期數 201512 (17:2期)
出版單位 國立中正大學勞工關係學系
該期刊-上一篇 無薪假之溝通內容、管道與內部危機溝通之效果關係




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