中文摘要 |
臺灣自2000 年導入宅配服務,宅配業平均集貨量呈現逐年增長的趨勢,深具發展潛力。本研究以國內某大型宅配物流業者為研究對象,選取其2010 至2012 年臺灣本島營業所為受評估單位(decision making unit, DMU),據不同的配送技術區分為都會型、鄉鎮型、混合型三個群組,以四項投入變數(車輛數、車輛油耗、人數以及廠房大小)與一項產出變數(集貨與配送總件數)作為效率衡量指標,應用共同邊界法(Metafrontier Approach)分析麥氏生產力指數(Malmquist Productivity Index, MPI),衡量跨期與跨群組之生產力,並進而探討其效率變動、技術變動、技術落差變動,據以瞭解不同類型營業所之生產力變動狀況並掌握其相對的營運優劣勢,作為研擬營業所策略與調整資源配置之參考。 |
英文摘要 |
In Taiwan, home-delivery service was introduced in 2000 and the cargo throughput of the industry has gradually increased. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the performance of main operation depots of a large home-delivery service provider in Taiwan. Based on different levels of delivery technique, all DMUs (decision making units) can be divided into three groups: Urban, Country and Mixed. For evaluating the performance, four inputs (number of cars, car’s fuel consumption, number of employees and plant size) and one output (set of goods and distribution) were adopted in the evaluation model. A Metafrontier model was applied to measure Malmquist productivity index (MPI), and in addition, efficiency change, technical change, and technical gap change were calculated for each group to measure the productivity change of these three groups. |