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The Disaster Prevention Education for Young Children of Japan
作者 陳雅妏 (Chen, Ya-Wen)劉淑惠
「防災教育」乃有效強化與落實防災工作的重要基礎。台灣於地震、颱洪及坡地等災害之風 險高居世界首位,落實防災教育向下紮根,從幼兒階段開始應培養良好習慣與防災素養。本文以地理條件與我國相似的先進國家--日本為研究對象。日本推行防災教育行之有年,本研究整合日本經驗,針對教育制度面與實務推廣面進行分析,分析重點涵蓋日本幼兒防災教育法規政策的制定,幼兒防災相關課程與教材的設計,以及結合社區參與的推廣防災教育機制等層面,並進一步歸納出可供我國幼兒防災教育政策發展與實務推動參考的三個面向:(1)教育政策面--防災教育政策端賴完善法規基礎,應制訂明確的相關法規;(2)課程內容面--編撰設計應貼近幼兒需求且開發豐富多元的防災教材;(3)實務推廣面--透過幼童、家長與學校及社區居民的結合,建立「防災共同體」的社區參與防災教育機制。以上,期能對我國在防災教育政策向下紮根的推展上,及強化社會整體的抗災能力上,提供參考效益。
Disaster prevention education is the basic work in enhancing and promoting disaster prevention task. Taiwan is the top one country among those exposing to the risks of multiple disasters in the world. Therefore, it is essential to implement disaster prevention education to help children develop good habits and skills for disaster prevention during their early childhood. This article introduces and analyzes the spirit and practice of disaster prevention education for young children in Japan, for its natural environmental is very similar to Taiwan. Based on Japan’s experiences, we achieved a tri-folded conclusion, which we believe would be good references for the development of disaster prevention education for young children in Taiwan. The first is educational policy. Concrete educational laws and regulations should be established and the laws-based policy for disaster prevention education should be seriously practiced. The second is educational content. Integrated curriculum and various teaching materials should be developed to meet young children’s needs. The third is the practice of community participation. Promotion mechanism connecting the young children, their parents and the communities they belong to should be established and encouraged. By doing so, we expect the spirit, knowledge and skills of disaster prevention can be rooted in young children’s mind and thus pave a bright path for the disaster prevention education in the future.
起訖頁 69-89
關鍵詞 日本經驗幼兒教育防災教育社區參與Japanese experienceearly childhood educationdisaster prevention educationcommunity participation
刊名 地理研究  
期數 201605 (64期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
該期刊-上一篇 使用陸域雷射掃描監測以底岩為主的河道對於小至中等規模之洪水事件的反應
該期刊-下一篇 客、閩族群對河流通名之用法差異




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