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Navigating Spatial Publicity: Social Exclusion and Negotiation of Young People’s Street Dance Space at Tamsui MRT station
作者 王鎂欣謝雨潔
本研究依循空間與社會互 構的觀點,闡述淡水捷運站公共空間為街舞青少年族群挪用時所 產生的 社會排除與協商議題。藉由梳理青少年再造的街舞空間,剖析「成人化」如何 被使 用者改造,達到喚醒社會重視青少年空間用與資 源分配 的目。本研究使用之方法包 括觀察法、問卷調查與深入訪談。研究 參與對象則 包含使用淡水捷運站公共空間的行人、街 舞青少年、捷運站管理者等。希望了解因為身分齡性別社會差異,所產生自我與他人的認同與排斥機制。本研究發現可包含以下三點第一,在各族群對應之青少年也能成為社會資源 優勢者排除他人的使用權。第二,但可藉由理性行為建立妥善協商 機制三與可藉由解讀立場改變,使公共空間的利他行為更加顯著。社會排除具有多重網絡及轉化特點而公 共決策機 制應賦予青少年表達使用空 間需求的管道,避免青少年公共訴遭到忽略並重 視多元需求與個體差異,公共空間的性才得以提升。
This study adopts the perspective of the mutual construction of space and society. It explores the issues of social exclusion and negotiation in the public space at Tamsui MRT station. More specifically, this research aims to understand the ways in which young people produce and transform the public space into street dance place. To explore how the ‘adultized’ public space is reproduced by young street dancers. By doing this, this research emphasizes that the society needs to pay more attention to young people’s need of space. The methods adopted in the study are observation, questionnaire survey and in-depth interview. The participants include pedestrians, street dance young people and MRT managers of the Tamsui MRT station. These methods are used to investigate the ways in which the social differences of social roles, age, and gender create the mechanism of inclusion and exclusion between the self and the other. There are three parts to this research finding. First, the people who has more social resources can exclude the others’ using right, teenagers may be. Second, more rational behavior makes negotiable space. Third, if people tried to understand the others, the public space would be friendlier. Social exclusion has its multiple network that might be changed. The research findings suggest that the publicity of public space can be improved if young people have opportunities to express their needs. To respect the requirements and differences between users of the public space is also needed.
起訖頁 27-43
關鍵詞 公共空間街舞社會排除青少年地理學淡水捷運站public spacestreet dancesocial exclusionyoung people’s geographyTamsui MRT station
刊名 地理研究  
期數 201605 (64期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
該期刊-上一篇 花蓮七星潭礫灘的地形及沉積特性
該期刊-下一篇 使用陸域雷射掃描監測以底岩為主的河道對於小至中等規模之洪水事件的反應




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