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Flash Flood Disaster in Huamual District, West Seram Regency, Maluku Province, Indonesia, Its Potential and Management
作者 Adam Pamudji Rahardjo (Adam Pamudji Rahardjo)Akhyar Mushthofa (Akhyar Mushthofa)Djoko Legono (Djoko Legono)
Huamual District which is located in west peninsula of Seram Island within Ambon Province is one of the under developed areas since its remote location and limited transport facilities from its regency capital and other developed areas. Therefore, the development program for that area needs to be boasted and secured. One of drawback of the economic development growth in Huamual District caused by current frequent flash flood disaster occurrences. Therefore, disaster resilient of both the local government and communities need to be strengthened. The Provincial Disaster Mitigation Agency of Maluku points that Huamual District was the most severe hit area by flash flood in Maluku beside Ambon City areas in 1^(st) August 2012. In order to prepare a program for increasing disaster resilient in that area, investigation of the disaster risk condition along the west coast of Huamual Peninsula within Huamual District has been conducted and reported in this paper. Reference study has been conducted followed by a field survey in the period of July 14^(th) to July 19^(th) 2014. The field survey was conducted on several sub-villages such as Nasiri, Mange-mange, Amaholu Losi, and Hatawano. The activities in the field survey were secondary data collection, interview to Local Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of West Seram Regency staffs, to sub-village leaders, to local community members, visual observation survey and river bed material sampling. This paper discusses disaster risk aspect found in the areas
起訖頁 111-127
關鍵詞 Huamual區暴洪災害風險管理Huamual districtflash flooddisaster risk management
刊名 地理研究  
期數 201511 (63期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
該期刊-上一篇 亞太地區氣候變遷與森林適應
該期刊-下一篇 砷的發生對越南湄公三角洲之威脅




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