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The Placenames' Culture Characteristics of the New Earth God Temple in Local Society: A Case of the San-Wan Township and The Northern Six Villages of Nan-Zhuang Township, Miao-Li County
作者 林聖欽
This toponymic paper is based on social justice, symbolic resistance and cultural heritage significance. It is to analyze the placename information of the inscriptions (碑文), couplets (對聯) and Gods tablets (香牌) of 156 new Earth God temples in the San-wan township and the northern six villages of Nan-zhuang township, Miao-li County, and to inductive placenames cultural characteristics of these new Earth God temples. These characteristics are 1. Residents recognize the Earth God temple site by the "Neighborhood" of administrative systems, outsiders do not have such cognition. 2. Residents recognize the Earth God temple site by smaller space level of village and place, outsiders recognize by bigger space level of administrative settlement and village. 3. Residents naming the placenames on the inscriptions and Gods tablets often reveal the relative position of internal settlement, water resource and the living space of trees, bridges etc. These placenames also provide important clues to trace local history. 4. Outsiders naming the placenames on couplets often reveal these placenames are simplified. If we want to recognize the integrity of a placenames with the word, explore inscriptions and Gods tablets is much more important than the couplets.
起訖頁 1-32
關鍵詞 地名學福德祠對聯碑文香牌ToponymyEarth God templeCoupletsInscriptionsGods tablets
刊名 地理研究  
期數 201511 (63期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
該期刊-下一篇 採用廣義極值分布對馬來半島極端降雨進行統計模擬




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