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The Invention of Tradition: The "Bean of Life" Festival in Tsou
作者 陳瑤玲
This article is a fieldwork report of 2014 "Bean of Life" Festival held by the Tsou tribe in Ali Mountain Township in Chiayi County. Since 2002 the Tsou tribe in Mt. Ali has held the "Bean of Life" Festival, a festival supported by the local government and jointly celebrating group weddings of clansmen with hyacinth beans as a symbol of vitality. The bean, named "fo'na" in Tsou, as a common ingredient in traditional food is a leguminous vine plant growing around the place where the Tsou people live. Due to its vitality, it can grow sturdily in harsh environments, thus it is adopted as a symbol of the festival and called "bean of life". Being drought-resistant and fruitful, "fa'na" beans are taken by the Tsou people to encourage their clansmen with perseverance. Since the Tsou tribe has faced the risk of decreasing population, they hope to actively increase the number of descendants through a celebration of "fo'na" beans in order to shape social traditions as well as condense internally the people's self-identity. The Bean of Life Festival held by the Tsou people in Mt. Ali can be considered as an invention of tradition where people as element of invention form consensus through social operations. In this regard, the Tsou people consciously introduce and conventionalize the value of "fa'na" beans in search for self-identity. The Bean of Life Festival is full of rebirth, regeneration, growth, hope and delight with optimistic future developments.
起訖頁 77-112
關鍵詞 阿里山鄒族鵲豆民族植物生命豆季認同the invention of traditionTsouhyacinth beanBean of Life Festivalself-identity
刊名 台灣原住民族研究  
期數 201503 (8:1期)
出版單位 東華大學原住民民族學院
該期刊-上一篇 在地組織參與南投原鄉地區「部落老人日間關懷站計畫(部落文化健康站)」執行模式之探討




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