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The Indigenous Traditional Intellectual Creations Protection Act and the Discourse of Cultural Identity: The Practice of the Pakedavai Family in Paiwan
作者 邱盈翠包梅芳達比利泱‧阿利夫
The Indigenous Traditional Intellectual Creations Protection Act (ITICPA) of Taiwan intends to implement the right of cultural self-determination of the indigenous peoples officially vowed by the 2005 Fundamental Law. With certification and registration cultural expressions are entitled to the ethnic group and protected as a substantive property rights. However, since there are 16 ethnic indigenous groups on the island, each with diversified customary laws and political organizations, no unified regime of entitlement in either procedural or substantive aspects can be applied, leaving no precedence to follow due to its novelty. This paper studies the experiences learned from the participants of the 2012-2013 ITICPA Moot Program-the Pakedavai family of the Paiwan ethnic group, including their motives, formulation of collective consents, and perceptions over the propriety. This paper also analyses the elections of their tribal representatives, the documentation of their own history and the impact over their tribal consciousness, which provides valuable evidence of the regime's feasibility. Through the study a side effect to reinstate self-identity and reconstitute self-orientation brought by the ITICPA is also realized. In the meantime, the Moot practice shows that diversified management mode of collective property rights actually exists.
起訖頁 1-42
關鍵詞 原住民族傳統智慧創作保護條例巴格達外家族排灣族原住民族自治集體性權利The Indigenous Traditional Intellectual Creations Protection Act (ITICPA)the Pakedavai familyPaiwan ethnic groupautonomy of indigenous peoplescollective rights
刊名 台灣原住民族研究  
期數 201503 (8:1期)
出版單位 東華大學原住民民族學院
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