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The Relationship between Factors Affecting IPO Pricing and Final Underwriting Pricing and the Intervening Effect
作者 陳怡伶 (Yi-Lin Chen)王耀華
This research considers the influence of factors affecting IPO to final underwriting pricing under the new underwriting environment. The adjusted underwriting price mechanism as intervening variables is also discussed. Secondary data information published by each IPO Companies is used in this research. It stretches out from year 2010 to Sep. 2012, and covers 138 sets of data. Meanwhile, anonymous survey of randomly selected CFO in these companies is also made to collect the required data on the key consideration in new underwriting mechanism. The empirical result is that corporate governance and financial information are significant positive effect to final underwriting pricing, P/E ratio and emerging stock price cause the intervening effect to the relationship of the underwriting factor, and the resolved underwriting price, and the top three items considered by the CFO of IPO companies are the aggregated stock market P/E ratio, EPS, the stock holding rate by the main stock holder, company size, and underwriting size.
起訖頁 1-32
關鍵詞 承銷價格承銷商承銷制度Underwriting PriceUnderwriterUnderwriting System
刊名 華人前瞻研究  
期數 201511 (11:2期)
出版單位 南洋文化學會
該期刊-下一篇 運用巴菲特選股模式建構基本面投資組合:以上證180為例




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