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A Study on Creative City Governance of Kaohsiung City Under Party Politics
作者 李文欽徐頑強
In recent years, urban governance in Taiwan under the influence of "globalization and globalization", the major cities of the world with the goal of the competition is to become a global model of the city who, in order to enhance the visibility of the city and the creation of related economic interests. The study is to the development of Chenese's southern city of Kaohsiung as an example, Kaohsiung's urban governance research from party politics in the hope that "democratization"-under the double impact of the "localization" in the confrontation between political ideology and conflict strait political ideologies conflict-oriented, and investigate the effects of urban governance Kaohsiung results. In this study, the relevant research literature on urban governance of political parties, the aim is to understand (1) the context of the political parties in Kaohsiung. (2) to explore urban governance Kaohsiung City. (3) to observe changes in the proposed urban governance. The study found that creative city with above average performance in Kaohsiung, the world study the model available.
起訖頁 61-74
關鍵詞 政黨政治城市治理高雄市Party politicsurban governanceKaohsiung
刊名 東亞論壇  
期數 201512 (490期)
出版單位 大華科技大學商務與觀光管理學院
該期刊-上一篇 從賽局理論看地方政府與廠商標案利益分配




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