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Lexical-semantic Mapping between Chinese and English Controlled Vocabularies in the Domain of Chinese Art
作者 陳淑君陳雪華
本文以臺灣的國立故宮博物院制定的中文控制詞彙(簡稱NPM-CV),及美國的蓋堤研究中心《藝術與建築索引典》(Art & Architecture Thesaurus,簡稱AAT)為研究對象,以內容分析法進行中英文詞彙語意對應研究。主要的研究問題為:中國藝術領域的控制詞彙對應至以西洋藝術為基礎的索引典,有哪些對應的類型與問題?本研究發現大約只有三分之一的NPM-CV詞彙與相對應的AAT詞彙具有「精準等同」關係,五分之三的NPM-CV詞彙與AAT詞彙為「狹廣階層」關係,因此若直接採用AAT為中國藝術領域進行索引,專指度將明顯不足。本文同時提出具體建議,以增進中國藝術領域內多語知識組織系統的語意互通性。
This study conducts a lexical-semantic mapping between the Chinese controlled vocabulary developed by the National Palace Museum (NPM-CV) in Taiwan and an English controlled vocabulary, the Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT) developed by the Getty Research Institute in the U.S. that is primarily based on Western art. The research question is: In mapping a Chinese controlled vocabulary in Chinese art to a Western-centered art thesaurus, what types of relationships can be identified and what are the issues in mapping? The study's main findings reveal that only one-third of the NPM-CV terms can be mapped as "exact equivalence" to AAT terms and three-fifths of the NPMCV terms have hierarchical relationships (narrower to broader) with some AAT terms. Clearly, using AAT alone to index Chinese art collections will lead to insufficient indexing specificity. The study then proposes solutions to improve Chinese-English semantic interoperability for multilingual knowledge organization systems in the domain of Chinese art.
起訖頁 161-208
關鍵詞 雙語對應知識組織系統控制詞彙語意互通中國藝術領域Bilingual MappingKnowledge Organization SystemsControlled VocabulariesSemantic InteroperabilityChinese Art Domain
刊名 圖書資訊學刊  
期數 201512 (13:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系
該期刊-上一篇 從臺灣原住民族出版相關文獻探討臺灣原住民族知識分布
該期刊-下一篇 《論語》作者探究:來自傅柯觀點的啟發




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