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圖書資訊學刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Exploring Information Use Behavior in the Context of Knowledge Construction
作者 周志文羅思嘉
本研究以Brenda Dervin的意義建構(sense-making)為理論基礎,在任務導向之學習新知情境下,探究研究生在建構知識的過程中,如何使用資訊以彌補知識落差,進而建構課程相關知識。研究採質性研究方式設計,研究者以觀察者身分進入研究場域,觀察授課教師與研究對象間之互動及研究對象於課堂中之參與程度,以深度瞭解研究對象的「資訊使用」行為與對課程中主要概念之認知狀態。透過參與觀察、深度訪談、學習日誌與前後測問卷等方法蒐集資料,研究對象使用之文獻資料、學習筆記亦納入分析資料範圍。研究運用「概念式圖像結構(Conceptual Graph Structures)」分析知識表徵中之各項陳述節點,藉由掌握節點間之關係,分析研究對象對於特定概念之知識結構,並以紮根理論為基礎,由最廣泛的資料限縮至具象徵性之主題,並從主題中辨識出所代表的概念。研究發現知識建構起始於接收到課程中所賦予之學習任務,並評估學習任務屬性及資訊內容複雜度,同時檢視自我知識結構以決定後續資訊使用方式,進而有所行動。在建構知識過程中,研究對象透過資訊的瀏覽、檢視、反覆檢視、標註、擷取、轉譯、重組等方式處理所獲得的資訊,或將資訊擱置不做處理。研究對象之「資訊使用」行為會因任務屬性不同而有所差異,且研究對象多具有課程相關主題之先備知識,因此知識結構的改變多以擴充知識節點為主。由研究中可以得知任務之重要性、資訊之語言、類型或呈現形式不同,以及時間等因素會影響研究對象使用資訊之方式。
The study focuses on a task-driven context to investigate two issues, including "informants' information use behavior in a learning context" and "how the knowledge structure has changed after utilizing the information". Qualitative methods were employed in this study, including observation, in-depth interview, and document analysis. One of the authors entered the setting as an observer-as-participant to observe the interaction between the lecturer and participants. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to better understand informants' information use behavior and their cognition toward major concepts of the learning topic. Knowledge construction commenced with evaluating learning tasks assigned by lecturer, examining knowledge structure, deciding the ways of processing information, and then putting into action. During the process, the participants used information in different manners, including browsing, examining, re-examining, marking up, extracting, translating, reconstructing or setting aside. Findings indicate that information use behavior varied in different tasks, and knowledge structures were mainly expanded based on prior knowledge. Several factors influence information use behavior, such as the importance of learning tasks, different forms of knowledge representation, and the time limit, which are the key facts influencing how the information will be used.
起訖頁 1-27
關鍵詞 資訊使用資訊行為知識建構知識表徵Information UseInformation BehaviorKnowledge ConstructionKnowledge Representation
刊名 圖書資訊學刊  
期數 201512 (13:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系
該期刊-下一篇 明代江西地方官府藏書事業研究--以各級儒學為考察中心




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