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The Effect of Corporate Tax Avoidance on Debt Levels
作者 黃美祝汪瑞芝 (Jui-Chih Wang)
This paper investigates whether a substitution effect exists between the tax avoidance behaviors and debt levels of Taiwanese enterprise, and examines whether the implementation of the anti-thin capitalization rules in Taiwan decreases the internal debt ratios of enterprise groups. Empirical results show that corporate tax avoidance also has a tax shield effect. Companies that engaging in tax avoidance activities can acquire tax benefits to inject capital and reduce the needs of external financing. It means that the substitution relationship indeed exists between the corporate tax avoidance and debt level. Furthermore, the results reveal that, compared to non-group firms, group firms are easier to raise external funds and have a higher debt level. However, this study doesn't find that the internal debt ratios of enterprise groups significantly decrease after the enactment of the anti-thin capitalization rules. This study has the contributions for the relevant literature to a certain extent. In terms of policy implications, the result of this study not only facilitates the tax officer to understand enterprises' debt tax shields and its relationship with tax avoidance, it also have referable value for government to assess the effectiveness of anti-thin capitalization rules.
起訖頁 1-32
關鍵詞 企業避稅集團企業反自有資本稀釋負債水準Tax avoidanceEnterprise groupsAnti-thin Capitalization RulesDebt levels
刊名 會計審計論叢  
期數 201512 (5:2期)
出版單位 財團法人臺灣會計教育基金會
該期刊-下一篇 所得稅率變動影響數之價值攸關性




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