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Abnormal Buying Behavior: Intergrated Bio-Psycho-Social Aspects
作者 杜恩年李明賓
購買行為受各種內在與外在因素所影響,而異常購買行為(abnormal buying behavior)在精神醫療領域中逐漸受到注意。此類的異常行為有躁症的無節制購物、強迫性購買(compulsive buying disorder, CBD)、囤積症(hoarding disorder)、藥物與內外科疾病引起的衝動性購買等,會造成嚴重的心理問題,人際關係與社會功能之損害。目前針對異常購買行為的醫學研究相當有限,大多數文獻聚焦在探討CBD。CBD是指全神貫注於購買或購物而導致適應不良,造成顯著的功能損害。流行病學研究顯示,CBD的盛行率約為5%-7%,在精神疾病患者中更為常見,成為值得深入探討的議題。本文將回顧現有文獻,討論下列主題:(1)異常購買行為的定義與其影響因素;(2)CBD的臨床症狀與病程;(3)CBD的病因學與常見的精神疾病共病;(4)CBD的藥物與心理治療。期望有助研究者籍由CBD的認識,得以推廣針對異常購買行為的本土相關研究。
Buying behaviors are influenced by various intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Abnormal buying behaviors (ABB) include buying sprees during manic episodes, compulsive buying disorder (CBD), compulsive hoarding, medication/physical illness-related impulsive buying that could cause severe psychological problems, and interpersonal and social functional impairments. There are a limited number of clinical studies on abnormal buying behaviors, and most have focused on CBD. CBD comprises subjectively irresistible urges to buy despite adverse consequences. Epidemiological studies showed a prevalence rate of CBD of 5-7%, and found that it was more common among patients with psychiatric diseases, which is worthy of further investigation. This article reviewed the current literature and discussed the followings: (1) The definition of ABB and CBD; (2) The clinical presentations and the course of CBD; (3) The possible etiologies and psychiatric comorbidities of CBD; (4) The pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy of CBD. We hope this article can improve the understanding of CBD for researchers, who can then conduct local studies on abnormal buying behavior.
起訖頁 439-448
關鍵詞 強迫性購買購買成癮異常購買行為compulsive buyingabnormal buying behaviorsbehavioral addiction
刊名 台灣醫學  
期數 201509 (19:5期)
出版單位 臺灣醫學會
該期刊-下一篇 護理師運動習慣及運動訊息來源之探討




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