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Strategies for Management of Overweight and Obesity among Students in Junior High School: An application of Nominal Group Technique
作者 瞿曉娟朱梅芳林珍玉李旻蒨朱珮綺康雅淳黃詩淇陳威倫
國內學童肥胖比率一直居高不下,是政府致力改善的問題,一旦肥胖後再恢復正常體位的過程是一大困難與挑戰,唯有避免不當的體重增加才是防範解決之道。本文利用群體提案評估技巧(Nominal Group Technique, NGT),針對國中學校護理師、學校營養師、衛生組長及衛生單位社區健康營造承辦人員共八人,進行學生肥胖問題分析討論後達成共識,認為國中學校防治學生肥胖問題應以:1.成立減重班2.辦理健康飲食講座及宣導3.建置健康資料庫及個案管理4.辦理體重競賽,建立獎勵制度5.提供規律與多元化的運動,依序作為日後教學方案及介入措施之參考,使國中生健康體位能達到最有效的促進。
The government has been committed to improve the high rates of children obesity. It is a difficult process to make the risk of obesity returned to normal position only the prevention of inappropriate weight gain is the solution (Lin, 2014). Adopting Nominal Group Technique (NGT), the study participants were school nurse, school nutritionists, school coordinators in junior high school, health. After analysis and discussion of the obesity students problem, they consensus that obesity prevention in junior high school should have 5 themes as follows:(A) Set up weight loss classes. (B) Healthy diet to lose weight class lectures and advocacy. (C) Create physical examination data files and parameters of case management. (D) Engage in a contest of lose weight competition, establish reward system. (E) Provide regular pattern and pluralism the exercise campaign, as a reference in the future of educational programs and interventions.
起訖頁 1-12
關鍵詞 國中學生青少年肥胖群體提案評估Students in Junior High SchoolTeenagerObesityNominal Group Technique
刊名 健康生活與成功老化學刊  
期數 201509 (7:1期)
出版單位 臺北市健康生活與成功老化學會
該期刊-下一篇 以焦點團體法探討中年人對於健康飲食與代謝症候群之相關性的認知和處預方式




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