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The Study for the Importance of the Various Contents in Sex Offender Treatment Among Military Prison
作者 林明傑方韻王怡婷 (I-Ting Wang)
為了解性侵者對於輔導教育團體課程項目的重要性,採問卷調查及立意取樣,以軍監性罪犯為研究對象(n=37), 使用自編之課程項目需求問卷,並轉以刑案資料進行分析,結果發現:一、課程項目重要性較高者為「法律知識」、「行為四因素」、「向左走向右走」。二、合意性交者認為「法律知識」最為重要,強制性交者則認為「高危險情緒或性慾的認出」最為重要。三、轉導課程具以下功能:提升法律概念、了解情緒、高危險情境與想法等,減少再犯可能性、以及學習如何與伴侶相處擁有和諧的性關係。最後依據本次研究結果,提出相關實務與未來研究之建議。
This study aimed to understand the importance of varios contents in sex offender treatment among the military prison. The method used in this study was questionnaire survey by purposed sampling. Samples were 37 sexuall offender inmates in military preson, the study tool was ”Needs of Sexual Offender Treatment Education Questionnaire”which compiled by researcher and used the information of criminal case to assist analysis, the results of this study were:1. For the sex offenders in military prison, the highest importance contents were ’knowledge of law’, ’4 factors of behaviour’and ’turn right vs. turn lef’.2. Knowledge of law ’was the most important content to consensual sex offenders, and ’idendify of high risk emontion anddesir’was the most important content of forcible rape offenders. 3. Most of the participants had the below poinions on the functions of treatment education:upgrade the concepts of law, understand the emontion himself, reduce the possibility of recidivism, avoid the dangerous situation, change the thinking , and learn how to treat partner in a harmonious sex relationship. According to the results, some suggestions were for the practice and future studies.
起訖頁 89-113
關鍵詞 性侵害加害者軍事監獄性侵害輔導sex ofendermilitary prisonsex offender treatment
刊名 犯罪學期刊  
期數 201506 (18:1期)
出版單位 中華民國犯罪學學會
該期刊-上一篇 「情資整合平臺」在犯罪預防之運用--以臺中市「電子城牆」為例




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