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Attitude of General Students’ Parents to Inclusive Education in the Elementary School in New Taipei City
作者 鄭雨欣張世彗 (Shih-Hui Chang)
本研究旨在探討新北市國小一般學生家長對融合教育態度。研究者以自編問卷對國小一般學生家長共694人進行調查,有效率為71.6%。所得資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析及質性處理,獲致下列結論:1. 國小一般學生家長對融合教育之整體和各層面的態度傾於贊同且正向。2. 在學生學習層面,家長對普通班教學能否提升特殊學生的學習動機有疑慮,且擔心其在普通班可能受到排斥。3. 在教師教學層面,家長認為普通班教師無法提供並兼顧特殊學生所需的個別他教學,及能否兼顧特殊學生的學習需求有疑慮。4. 在學校支援層面,家長認為普通班特殊學生安置的人數應限制。5. 在安置態度層面,家長認為僅有輕度的特殊學生適合安置普通班。6. 不同年齡、教育程度及家庭社經地位之家長對融合教育各層面之態度沒差異。7. 與身心障礙者相處經驗不同之家長對融合教育的態度,在整體、學生學習及安置態度等層面均有差異。8. 子女就讀年段不同之家長對融合教育的態度,在安置態度層面有差異。
The purpose of this study was to explore the attitude of general students' parents toward inclusive education. The forms of self-edited questionnaire were implemented to 694 general students' parents in New Taipei City, and there were valid 71.6%. The data was analyzed with descriptive statistics, t-test and one-way ANOVA. The main findings were as follows: 1. The general students' parents held positive attitude toward inclusive education. 2. In student learnig parents felt doubt that general teaching whether could improve motivation of exceptional students, and worry about rejection. 3. In instruction, parents felt that general teacher could not provide individualized teaching to exceptional students. 4. In school support, parents felt that number of exceptional students need to be restricted. 5. In placement attitude, parents felt that only mildly exceptional students suited for general class. 6. The attitude of the general students' parents with different age, educational level and family social economic status haven't obvious difference in attitude toward inclusive education. 7. The attitude of the general students' parents with different experiences of getting along with people with Disabilities have obvious difference in "student learnig", "instruction", "school support" and "placement attitude". 8. The attitude of the general students' parents with different grade of children have obvious difference in "instruction" and "placement attitude".
起訖頁 1-16
關鍵詞 一般學生家長融合教育態度General students' parentsAttitude toward inclusive education
刊名 特教論壇  
期數 201506 (18期)
出版單位 清華大學竹師教育學院(原:新竹教育大學)
該期刊-下一篇 家庭中心正向行為支持在特殊教育的應用




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