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A Study on Community Capacity and Community Life Quality: Implications for Community Governance and Community Development
作者 黃源協 (Yuan-Shie Hwang)莊俐晞劉素珍
This study aims to investigate the relationship between community capacity (CC) and community life quality (CLQ) and, in particular, the impact of CC on CLQ. Based on its findings, the study is further intended to explore the implications for 'community governance' and 'community development' in Taiwan. The CC is divided into two categories-community statics capacity (CSC) and community dynamic capacity (CDC). The CSC scale includes 52 items and is further grouped into 5 dimensions, and CDC includes 40 items and is further categorized into 4 dimensions. The CLQ scale is divided into individual-level life quality and community-level life quality. The former includes 27 items and is further divided into 3 dimensions. The latter includes 44 items and is further divided into 3 dimensions. 640 leaders of Community Development Associations in Taiwan were successfully interviewed. The results show that there are significant and positive correlations between CC and CLQ. Further, the 'financial capacity' of CSC, and the 'participative capacity' of CDC significantly influence CLQ. According to the findings and discussions, five implications and suggestions related to promoting community governance and community development are proposed.
起訖頁 1-36
關鍵詞 社區能力社區生活品質社區治理社區發展社區發展協會community capacitycommunity life qualitycommunity governancecommunity developmentAssociation of Community Development
刊名 公共行政學報  
期數 201509 (49期)
出版單位 國立政治大學公共行政暨政策學系
該期刊-下一篇 非營利組織產業化與社會閒散現象之行動研究




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