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The Relationship among New Immigrants Mothers’Parental Efficacy%2C Co-parenting of Their Spousesand Parents-in-Law and School-Aged Children’ Life Adjustment
作者 吳瓊洳 (Chiung-Ju Wu)蔡明昌 (Ming-Chang Tsai)
The purposes of this study were to understand the correlation of new immigrants mothers’ parental efficacy, co-parenting of their spouses and parents-in-law and school-aged children life adjustment.To reach the purposes, dates were collected by survey, aimed at new immigrants mothers and their children in Yunlincounty, Chiayicounty, and Tainan city. We sent out 800 questionnaires and received 517 questionnaires. The ratio of valid questionnaires was 64.6%. The results of this research were as following: 1. New immigrant mothers’ parental efficacies were common.There were significant differences between child’s gender, nations and ages on new immigrant mothers’parental efficacies. 2. New immigrant mothers’ spouses had positive co-parenting attitude. 3. New immigrant mothers’parents-in-law had negative attitude toward co-parenting. 4. The correlation among new immigrant mothers’ parental efficacy, co-parenting of their spouses and parents-in-law were positive. 5. The correlation between new immigrant mothers and their children life adjustment were positive. 6. The correlation among co-parenting of new immigrant mothers’spouses, parents-in-law and their children life adjustment were positive.The suggestions of this research were provided.
起訖頁 001-034
關鍵詞 新住民親職效能感共親職生活適應Co-parentingLife AdjustmentNew Immigrants MothersParentalEfficacy
刊名 嘉大教育研究學刊  
期數 201512 (35期)
出版單位 國立嘉義大學
該期刊-下一篇 審議信念、組織承諾對大學生學習動機的影響之研究




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