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How Teachers Use and Manage Blogs: A Cluster Analysis in Taiwan
作者 劉旨峰蔡元隆葉慈瑜侯惠澤
隨著Web 2.0的升級,全新的網路工具也因運而生,例如部落格。本研究將採取因素分析、集群分析及內容分析法針對165個樣本數進行分析,研究目的旨在了解臺灣教師使用及管理部落格的方式及形態。研究者提出六項指標(包含總發文數量、文章分類、聯結、頁數、檢索數及影響數)將教師的部落格進行分類。接著,運用因素分析找尋影響教師使用部落格的因素。而後使用集群分析將同質性高的部落格分為一類,研究發現臺灣教師部落格的類型大致可分為四種:一般、凸出、高影響力及高度傳遞知識等類型。最後,再使用內容分析法,分析以上四種類型,說明使用部落格的好處,並且給臺灣教師及教育家一些使用部落格的建議。
The development of Web 2.0 ushered in web-based tools including blogs. This study focused on how teachers use and manage blogs. A sample of 165 teachers' blogs in Taiwan was analyzed using factor analysis, cluster analysis, and qualitative content analysis. First, the teachers’ blogs were analyzed according to 6 criteria (total number of posts, article category, links, page score, index score, and influence score). The crucial factors that influence teachers’ use of blogs were then summarized using factor analysis. Finally, cluster analysis was used to divide the sample into groups of similar blogs. Four groups were identified: ageneral group, abalanced development group, ahigh-impact group, and ahigh-knowledge management/sharing group. In addition, on the basis of the content analysis results for these 4teacher groups, we provide suggestions for teachers and teacher educators regarding the advantages and benefits of using blogs.
起訖頁 089-113
關鍵詞 部落格教師社群內容分析法專業發展集群分析blogteacher communitycontent analysisprofessional developmentcluster analysis
刊名 嘉大教育研究學刊  
期數 201503 (34期)
出版單位 國立嘉義大學
該期刊-上一篇 小型學校跨校推動教師專業發展歷程及其成效之研究-以高雄市二所偏鄉小校為例




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