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Exploring young women's exercise behavior-- The application of focus group approach
作者 黃淑貞 (Sheu-jen Huang)洪文綺 (Wen-chi Hung)劉翠薇李秋娓
本研究旨在了解青少女運動行為的現況以及影響因素,以跨理論模式為主要架構,進行焦點團體訪談,並探討跨理論模式中各變項對其運動行為的影響情形。以台北地區兩所國立大學一年級女學生為對象,於民國九十二年十月至十一月間在A校及B校分別進行三場焦點團體訪談,每場參與者為大學一年級女學生約15名,共計有100人參與訪談。訪談後,將每場焦點團體對話錄音內容轉錄成逐字稿,依討論主題訂出分類標題,據此發展分類架構。再依字句意義予以編碼,進行內容分析,歸納出資料中的概念、主題與類型,藉以整理訪談對象的意見與論述。訪談內容經反覆詳細討論而加以歸類,兩個編碼者的內容一致性達0.91。青少女運動行為歸納出經驗、認知及行為面向。青少女對於有益身體健康的運動行為定義認知,仍有待加強;受訪者是否從事運動與其參與運動的感覺、過去運動經驗、興趣及學校活動要求有關。造成青少女不運動的主要的障礙因素,可分成生理性、心理性、社會性與環境等層面,其中又以心理性障礙如:懶惰、怕曬黑或流汗、擔心形象受損,最令青少女困擾,成為不運動的主因。對於跨理論模式的驗證上,僅八個階段改變方法在此次焦點團體中有提及,值得再進一步探討其應用。 研究者針對研究發現提出多項建議與未來研究方向,並以本研究作為發展介入資料庫的參考。
The purpose of this research is to obtain the exercise behavior of young girls, and to explore the determinant factors for exercise behavior of the stage of change of the Transtheoretical Model. Focus group interviews were used to collect data. A total of one hundred female freshman students from two national universities (university A and university B) participated in the entire six sessions, with each school taking three sessions in October through November 31, 2003. All interviews were tape-recorded and the transcripts were content analyzed. A 'focus group method' was utilized, which included recording, transcribing and analyzing the young girls' opinions about exercise behaviors. The inter-coder reliability reached 0.91. The principle themes suggested that exercise behavior of young girls was attributed to experiential, cognitive and behavioral dimension. The findings showed that many young girls did not have accurate ideas about the definition of exercise behavior to improve their health. The participants' engagement in exercise behavior was related to the perception of exercise, the past experience of exercise, their interests and the request from schools. The main barriers of young girls' exercise behavior included the psychological, social and environmental factors. Among those barriers, psychological factors like Laziness, fearing tan or perspiration, worrying about image, was the most perplexed for young girls in exercise. The results can help health workers to gain a deeper understanding of the exercise behavior for young girls. The researchers proposed some recommendations as the basis of further intervention strategies for the female adolescent.
起訖頁 39-68
關鍵詞 青少女焦點團體跨理論模式運動行為female adolescentsfocus groupTranstheoretical Modelexercise behavior
刊名 衛生教育學報  
期數 200506 (23期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 「全校性健康五蔬果」介入計畫對國中學生每日攝取五蔬果及相關因素之影響--以彰化縣立鹿鳴國中學生為例
該期刊-下一篇 家長對氣喘兒童運動的態度及其相關因素




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