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The Study on the Needs for Drug Education among Adolescents Using Focus Group
作者 賴香如李碧霞 (Pi-Hsia Lee)李景美 (Ching-Mei Lee)彭如瑩
為建立本土化及適用於國內一般青少年的藥物濫用防制教育,本研究採用質性研究法中的焦點團體訪談法,於八十七年十二月至八十八年一月間,以臺北市文山區實踐國中一年級學生六十名(男、女各三十名)為對象,進行六場次、每次一百分鐘的訪談,以了解學生對藥物教育的需求。本研究的主要發現如下:1.在校園和社區內,國中生使用的成癮物質以香菸最常見,酒、檳榔、強力膠和安非他命偶爾見到。使用的原因可分為個人、家庭、學校、同儕和社會等五類。2.為避免自己或友人染上成癮物質,受訪者會採用澄清與強化觀念、謹慎擇友、從事正當休閒、擴充個人資訊和資源等方法。3.當友人邀約使用成癮物質,受訪者的拒絕策略可分為直接(如:勇敢的說不、婉轉推辭等)和間接(如:轉移或岔開話 題、提供替代品、以警車鳴聲或哨音嚇阻等)兩類。4.學校欲協助學生避免成癮物質,應兼顧硬體和環境、督導與管理、宣導教育、輔導工作、替代性活動、教師角色模範、與家庭和社區結合等層面。受訪學生認為學校現有的藥物濫用防制教育具有部分效果,但生活層面的內涵可再加強。5.藥物教育需求方面:(1)課程內容應涵蓋:藥物濫用資訊(如:藥物的定義、種類、影響、成份、功用、辨識方法、來源、製造和吸食方法等)、拒絕成癮物質的方法、相關法律規範等。(2)建議理想授課人選包括:教育人員、政治與專業人士、有相關經驗者、明星和公益人物等。(3)教學方法以多樣化、 提供參與式與互動式的動態化教學(如:有獎徵答、遊戲、演戲、話劇比賽等),較具教學效果。建議未來在推動藥物濫用防制教育工作時能結合家庭、學校和社區的力量,強化生活層面相關技能的傳授;並針對藥物濫用高危險群學生進行藥物教育需求研究。
The main purpose of the study was to explore the needs for drug education among seventh-grade students. Focus group interview was used to collect qualitative data from 60 students at Taipei Shyr-Jiann Junior High School in December, 1998 and January, 1999. Six focus groups were held with each lasting 100 minutes. The main findings of the study were as follows: The main substances used by the junior high school students were cigarettes, with wine, betelnuts, glue and amphetemines being followed. The reasons for using substances included individual, family, peer, and social factors. To avoid using substances, the student interviewees would clarify their value, carefully choose friends, participate leisure activities, and seek information. The refusal skills the students would use to resist peer pressure included direct methods (e.g., say 'no' bravely or directly) and indirect methods (e.g., alteration, alternatives). To assist adolescents to avoid using substances, students pointed out that schools should focus on environment, education, counseling, alternative activities, cooperating with family and community, and teacher models. In terms of the needs for drug education, students pointed out that: (1) The curriculum should include drug abuse information, refusal skills, and related laws and regulations. (2) The ideal people to teach drug education included educators, politician and professionals, people with drug-using experience, and stars. The study suggested that preventive work should involve family, school, and community to emphasize life skills and to explore the needs for drug education among high-risk students.
起訖頁 165-188
關鍵詞 青少年教育焦點團體需求藥物濫用AdolescentDrug AbuseEducationFocus groupNeed
刊名 衛生教育學報  
期數 200005 (13期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 大臺北地區愛滋病媒體宣導與民眾知識、信念與預防行為意向研究
該期刊-下一篇 社區居民綠色消費行為及相關之訊息傳播調查研究




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