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The Impact of Undesirable Output on Managerial Efficiency and Output Loss of Domestic Airports in Taiwan
作者 游明敏
The externalities generated from commercial flights have various impacts on air quality, noise, water quality, fuel consumption and energy, waste and the ecology. Noise nuisance is undoubtedly the most significant of these and has the greatest impact on the community surrounding the airport. However, when some outputs are undesirable, it may yield biased measures of efficiency if only “goods” are valued and “bads” are ignored. It makes sense to credit producers for their provision of desirable outputs and penalize them for their provision of undesirable outputs. In this paper, of major concern in airport performance evaluation for undesirable output is the aircraft noise. An ideal efficiency measure for assessing airport performance must take into consideration the negative impacts of undesirable outputs, and credits airports for reduction in aircraft noise and increases in other desirable outputs. In fact, most currently available airport performance measures treat multiple outputs by valuing goods and ignoring bads, that is, little or no account was taken with respect to aircraft noise. The main purpose of this study is to develop and implement a performance measure applicable in general multiple outputs setting in which production yields some outputs that are desirable outputs and others are not to explore how aircraft noise influence airport performance and their desirable outputs. In the subject of performance evaluation, the results show that, ignoring undesirable output aircraft noise increases both frequency and the degree of inefficiency, and distorts performance rankings. This confirms that airports facing relatively strict environmental controls will appear to have low efficiency relative to those having relatively lax controls when comparisons are based on the conventional approach. From the point of considering aircraft noise, the airports encounter smaller potential loss when weak disability of aircraft noise index is imposed in output efficiency measure model.
起訖頁 241-259
關鍵詞 航空噪音資料包絡分析非意欲產出機場Aircraft noiseData envelopment analysisUndesirable outputAirport
刊名 管理學報  
期數 200504 (22:2期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國管理科學學會
該期刊-上一篇 統一交運價格廠商的訂價行為之理論分析
該期刊-下一篇 建立產業專利分類系統--共同引証分析的觀點




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