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The Impact of the Internet on the Optimal Channel Decisions by Competitive Firms
作者 周善瑜蕭櫓
It has been acknowledged that manufacturers who distribute their products through a traditional common retailer (instead of exclusive retailers), often face the retailer’s incentive problems, though enjoying some savings in channel costs. In particular, the traditional retailer can influence consumers’ purchase decisions on the point of sales through its persuasion power. In contrast, on the Internet consumers are less persuasible and more in control. This paper attempts to study how the emergence of the Internet channel influences manufacturers’ channel and pricing strategies. We build a game theoretical model where two symmetric manufacturers compete in a market which consists of loyal consumers and switchers. The valuations of switchers for brands may be influenced by a retailer. After the emergence of the Internet, the two manufacturers can choose whether to use the Internet channel, the traditional channel or both. Furthermore, each manufacturer has to decide whether to adopt exclusive dealing or common dealing for its chosen distribution channel(s). Before the emergence of the Internet, the importance of switchers determines the manufacturers’ targeting markets, while the channel cost and the retailer’s cost of persuading consumers influence manufacturers’ choice between exclusive dealing and common dealing. After the emergence of the Internet, since manufacturers can induce Internet users to purchase on the Net, the manufacturers’ optimal channel design and targeting strategies will depend on the proportions of Internet users within the markets of loyals and switchers. We find that the Internet channel allows manufacturers to better coordinate their targeting, pricing, and channel strategies, thereby minimizing the agency costs involved in common dealing at the traditional outlets, which in turn enhances the manufacturers’ profits. In particular, when the importance of switchers and the proportion of switchers who can access the Internet are high enough, while the proportion of loyals who can access the Internet is low, then the emergence of the Internet channel makes common dealing more prevalent than before. Furthermore, in the presence of the Internet channel, the manufacturers may expand or narrow down their target markets, depending on the relative proportions of Internet users in the two segments. An optimal dynamic adjustment process is obtained which describes how a manufacturer should optimally change his channel and pricing strategies when the population of the Internet purchasers grows over time.
起訖頁 205-225
關鍵詞 多重通路訂價網際網路通路設計市場區隔Multichannel PricingThe Internet ChannelChannel DesignScreening
刊名 管理學報  
期數 200504 (22:2期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國管理科學學會
該期刊-上一篇 市場結構與組織特性對醫院營運效率之影響
該期刊-下一篇 統一交運價格廠商的訂價行為之理論分析




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