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A Study of the Theory of Body and Mind of the Quanzhen Master Wang Chongyang
作者 康自強
The theory of body and mind of Quanzhen master Wang Chongyang presents his understanding about human life. He thinks that we can know our life from two aspects --mind and body. In his opinion, the former is the center of his teaching and the ‘true essence’ (真性) of every human. Being different from the traditional Taoism which pursues the eternity of human body, he puts more emphasis on the inner purity and peace of mind. The latter inherits the discourses of neidan school and creates a new end of cultivating mind. As a successor, he absorbs the body techniques in the older Taoist texts, especially from the Zhong-Lu school, which arises between the Later Tong and the Five Dynasties. As to the creation, he pays much attention to the mind, so the end of cultivating body and mind is ‘the ultimately true essence’ (一靈真性), not ‘the yang spirit’ (陽神) of Zhong-Lu. However in the Annotations of Five Holy Essays (五篇靈文注) written by the heirs of Quanzhen school, they use the two different terms to predicate the ultimately spiritual entity formed through practicing the Taoist techniques completely. Furthermore, he emphasizes the relation and interaction between body and mind; therefore the modern researchers should not investigate his discourses only about body or mind. The study states that if one reflects on the Wang’s discourses both on body and mind, he will find that it is a process from ‘physical spiritualization’ to ‘spiritual embodiment’. In short, his discourses on interaction between body and mind are a key to deeply understanding the meaning of ‘Quanzhen’ (the true essence preservation).
起訖頁 117-142
關鍵詞 內丹真性三寶身心交涉胎仙neidantrue essencethree treasuresinteraction between body and mindembryonic Immortal
刊名 中國學術年刊  
期數 201503 (37春季號期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 李榮《道德經注》心性思想研究




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