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A Pliot Study on Theory and Model Development in Adult Education
作者 楊國賜 (Kuo-Shih Yang)
成人教育成為一門學問,或一門專門的研究領域,為期甚晚。直到目前,成人教育理論體系仍在繼續發展中,尚未達到成熟的階段。此一學門或專門的研究領域,係由高等教育中有關系所的研究來加強,逐漸形成有系統的立論基礎,因此有其專有的名詞與概念。誠如美國成人教育學者諾理斯(Malcolm S. Knowles)經多年前的研究,指出協助成人學習的科學與藝術稱之為「成人教育學」(andragogy)。此項努力,已使歐洲(尤其是西德與南斯拉夫)和美國的成人教育理論家,特別重視有關成人教育與學習獨特理論與模式發展之研究。本文除前言與結論外,共分五部份:第一部份探討成人教育的觀念;第二部份說明成人教育的型態與功能;第三部份敘述成人教育的歷史發展;第四部份在剖析成人教育學的理論基礎;第五部份則在討論成人教育模式發展的可能性。
The purpose of this paper was to review on theory and its model development in adult education. As we know, adult education as a discipline or a professional field of study is developed lately. Adult education is currently organized on a systematic basis, buttressed with research in institutions of higher learning and thereby having its own terms and concepts. Malcolm S. Knowles’ works support this view by defining Andragogy as the art and science of helping adults learn. This effort has made adult education theorists both in North America and Europe to work on the development of distinctive theories of adult learning. In addition to introduction and conclusion, this paper includes five parts. The first part examines the concepts of adult education; the second part deals with the pattern and function of adult education; the third part describes historical development of adult education;the fourth part analyzes the theoretical basis of andragogy; amd the final part discusses the possibility of model development in adult education.
起訖頁 1-22
關鍵詞 成人教育理論發展模式
刊名 社會教育學刊  
期數 198706 (16期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學社會教育學系
該期刊-下一篇 從「工業社會」論到「管理社會」論:「現代社會」理論的回顧與批判




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