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Investigating the Liudui Hakka Area through National Census and Historical Maps from the Japanese Occupation via different Scales
作者 鄭春發
過去受限於公共部門族群統計調查較少,客家委員會成立後,即對全國客家人口進行抽樣調查,然而,這些調查的空間尺度大多以縣市、鄉鎮為單位,由於空間尺度的選擇(非以村里)會導致大量細節被概括化(generalization),因而未能揭示調查對象的本質,造成研究結果可能被偏誤估計。這種依據一個空間尺度數據所得出的結論,再應用到另一個空間尺度,是用較不適宜的尺度來觀察、說明或解釋問題,一定程度上混淆讀者對事物現象與本質關係的認識,即以鄉鎮單位解釋村里單位族群特性。其次,以今探古的方式,忽略了今日是一個交通便捷、族群多元互動、族群多重認同、母語表達能力消失的世界。因此,本文採描述性研究(descriptive model)歷史資料回顧方法,將日治時期國勢調查報告與歷史地圖,結合地理資訊系統(geographic information system,GIS)空間分析功能,透過不同的地圖空間尺度,套繪日治時期堡圖、1920年代地形測量圖,利用地理資料圖示(geography data mapping)方法,展現六堆客庄傳統地域。本文發現麟洛、美濃為較完整的客家鄉鎮;其餘如:內埔、長治、萬巒、竹田、新埤、佳冬、六龜等鄉鎮,大部份村里屬客庄;而高樹、杉林、屏東市、鹽埔等則為僅少部份村里為客庄的鄉鎮。結果是當我們改變尺度,問題及答案是不同的。
Previously, there have been limited surveys about ethnic groups in the public sector. Although in recent years the Council for Hakka Affairs, Executive Yuan has made a Hakka population survey, most of its spatial scales were on the township basis. Because of the improper scale selection, it has not properly revealed the nature of population distribution, and huch detail has been omitted or generalized, which has resulted in biased estimates. The data was used to develop conclusions on the basis of a scale and then apply the scale up to another level, which is inappropriate, and there are even wrong-scale observation, descriptions or explanations. To some extent, it is due to a confused understanding of the phenomenon and essence of the situation, using the unit of towns to explain villages. Secondly, this class of ancient ways, overlooking today by the ancient ways is ignored that today is the world with a convenient transportation, multiple interactions and ethnic identities, but losing mother language expressions. Therefore, this study uses a literature review of historical data to explore the Hakka region in the Pingtung area via a descriptive model. The study applies similar time scales and different spatial scales to set up the 1920s topographic survey maps via geography data mapping to show traditional Liudui Hakka regions during the Japanese occupation. This study concludes that Linluo and Meinong are completely Hakka townships; while the others, such as: most of the villages in Neipu, Changjr, Wanluan, Jutian, Shinpei, Jiadung, Liouguei are Hakka villages. However, few villages in Gaushu, Shanlin, Pingtung, Yanpu etc. are Hakka townships. Therefore, as we change the scale, we will have the different questions and answers.
起訖頁 1-22
關鍵詞 六堆客庄地理資料圖示歷史地圖Liudui Hakka Traditional RegionGeography Data MappingHistorical Maps
刊名 臺中教育大學學報:人文藝術類  
期數 201506 (29:1期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學
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