中文摘要 |
本篇敘述一位34歲未婚女性罹患子宮內膜癌,行根除性子宮切除術所面臨身、心衝擊之照護經驗。護理期間自2012年5月27日至6月4日運用觀察、會談及評估等方式收集資料,執行整體性護理評估,發現個案的護理問題有:「焦慮」、「急性疼痛」及「身體心像紊亂」。在護理過程中藉由積極陪伴與傾聽,與個案建立良好關係,提供合宜的生理照護及減輕疼痛方法,利用術前訪視說明手術相關資訊,協助釐清錯誤觀念,並鼓勵家人參與和支持,介紹婦癌病友及支持團體與之分享,協助引導正向的自我概念,使個案能正視身體心像改變的事實,得以適應未來生活。期盼藉此照護經驗之分享,可供護理人員日後照護此類病人之參考。This article described the nursing experience of a 34 year-old unmarried female with the second stage uterine endometrial carcinoma who was faced with the impact of undergoing radical hysterectomy. The nursing period was from May 27, 2012 to June 4, 2012. By direct care, observation, interview, and physical evaluation, we concluded the healthy problems for this patient consisting of anxious, acute pain and body-mental chaos. The nursing process is through actively showing concern and listening, building a good relationship with the case. Then it was discussed with the case on the reason for the anxiety and its relief method, using models and pictures to explain the disease and surgical procedures during pre-surgery visit and evaluation. Meanwhile, we encouraged family to participate in the plan and give the appropriate emotional support. Then female cancer support group and patients were introduced to the case to provide accurate knowledge and positive guidance to build self-confidence in order for the case to face the fact of body-mental change and adapt to the future life. Finally, we hope that we can provide a useful nursing experience to the nursing staff taking care with the similar cases. |