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The experience in using meditation-relaxation techniques in post-operative care for breast cancer patlent
作者 翁雪芳陳敏麗
本文為描述一位女性乳癌切除手術後身心方面產生適應不良的護理經驗,筆者自2009年8月8日至2009年8月18日的護理過程中,以Gorden十一項健康型態評估,確立主要護理問題有手術後所產生的疼痛、對疾病及死亡威脅導致的焦慮、無法適應乳房切除的身體心像紊亂等護理問題,在持續性照護過程中筆者採主動關懷方式,建立了良好互動關係,並運用了傾聽、轉移注意力、冥想式放鬆技巧及音樂療法,積極介紹病友,增加病友間互動交流,使個案能減輕疼痛、焦慮、增進正向身心感受,進而對疾病有更深一層的認識及積極面對的動力,建立了個案正向的社交活動,獲得心靈上的支持及平靜。期將此護理經驗與大家分享,以提供日後護理人員在照護此類病患參考之用。This is a case study of a nursing experience of a patient undergoing the breast cancer excision surgery, including her maladaptation in the body and mind. The author used the Gorden 11 healthy state appraisals during the nursing process from August 8th to August 18, 2009, ensuring the nursing problems of the ache, disease, death threat, body image disorder that a patient maladapted after the breast cancer excision surgery. During the nursing process, the author took the initiative way to take care of the patient, established good interactive relations, listened attentively, altered attention, used mediation-relaxation techniques and music therapy, introduced the fellow patient, and increased the opportunity for the fellow patient to interact in order to enable the case to reduce the ache and anxiety, and promote the feeling of body and mind positively, thereby having a deeper understanding of the disease and facing it positively. The activities were constructed through social activities with support and tranquility. It is hoped that the nursing experience could be shared with everyone and serve as a reference for nursing staff to look for the similar case in the future.
起訖頁 79-88
關鍵詞 乳癌身體心像紊亂冥想式放鬆技巧Breast cancerBody image disorderMeditation-relaxation techniques
刊名 新臺北護理期刊  
期數 201303 (15:1期)
出版單位 臺北醫學大學
該期刊-上一篇 提昇膝關節鏡手術護理指導之執行率改善方案
該期刊-下一篇 協助一位慢性精神分裂症病患回歸社區生活之護理經驗




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