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Nursing Experience Using Cognitive Behavior Therapy to Treat a Patient with Obstructive SleepApnea
作者 王俐潔吳秀霞 (Show-Shya Wu)陳美麗
本文是描述一位阻塞性睡眠呼吸中止症(obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, OSAS)病人,因疾病造成的睡眠問題,使白天過度嗜睡,注意力不集中而嚴重影響日常生活品質,甚至因嚴重瞌睡以致交通意外頻繁,故入院治療。護理期間2009年4月23日至5月1日,運用整體性護理評估,透過直接護理、觀察及會談方式收集資料,確立個案有危險性損傷、急性疼痛、焦慮、失眠等健康問題。護理過程中筆者提供個別性措施,協助個案渡過急性期生理、心理上的危機,適時滿足身體舒適與安全需求,並提供睡眠認知行為療法及術後居家自我照顧技巧,提升其日常生活品質。期望此篇報告之護理經驗,能提供臨床護理人員日後照護相關病人之參考。This case report described the nursing experience with a patient of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). The patient due to interrupted sleep at night suffered from excessive drowsiness and poor concentration in daytime. His quality of life was severely compromised and involved in frequent traffic accidents. He was thus hospitalized for further treatment.During the treatment period of April 23 and May 1, 2009, the clinical data was collected using comprehensive nursing evaluation, including direct observation, nursing care experience and patient interview. The results confirmed his health problems of risk of injury, acute pain, anxiety and insomnia.In the process of nursing care, the authors provided individualized measures to help the patient pass through the acute physiological and psychological crisis, and maintain his bodily comfort and sense of security. To further improve the quality of life the patient was also educated with behavior therapy of sleep cognition and the post-operative home self-care skills. We hope this case report will serve as a useful reference for nursing care for OSAS patients.
起訖頁 97-106
關鍵詞 阻塞性睡眠呼吸中止症失眠懸壅垂顎咽成型術持續性呼吸道正壓治療認知行為療法Obstructive sleep apnea syndromeInsomniaUvulopalatopharyngoplastyContinuous positive airway pressureCognitive behavioral therapy
刊名 新臺北護理期刊  
期數 201203 (14:1期)
出版單位 臺北醫學大學
該期刊-上一篇 照護一位診斷初期愛滋病毒感染者之護理經驗
該期刊-下一篇 一位腦中風偏癱個案自機構返家之居家護理經驗




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