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The Nursing Care Experience of a Pre-school Child with Tuberculous Meningitis
作者 詹佳霖王錦雲吳麗彬
本文旨協助一位感染結核性腦膜炎之學齡前期男童,面臨生死交關與復健運動、及家屬面對疾病恢復期的所帶來的衝擊之照護經驗,護理期間為2008年5月23日至2008年7月1日,經由會談、觀察、收集病史等方式收集資料,以Gordon十一項健康功能型態評估個案及家屬,結果確立護理問題為腦組織灌流改變、身體活動功能障礙、照護者角色緊張等三項。經由醫療團隊照護及護理措施介入後,改善腦部灌流;執行復健運動提昇個案肌力,教導主要照顧者日常照護技巧,並熟悉社區復健資源;使家屬坦然面對後續治療和返家照護,並積極持續復健運動,期望透過此整體之個案護理經驗分享,作為日後照護個案參考。This article reported the nursing experience with a pre-school child with tuberculous meningitis. The nursing care period was between May 23 and July 1, 2008. The nursing assessment was based on the Gordon's eleven functional health patterns. Three health problems were identified, including ineffective tissue perfusion-cerebral, impaired physical mobility, and caregiver role strain. During the nursing care process, the client's cerebral circulation improved. In addition, through participating in the daily rehabilitation plan, the client's muscle power improved. We also provided the client with daily self-care skills and made the client familiar with the community resources. The family members and the client were able to face the follow-up treatment issues and actively participated in the rehabilitation. We hope that this comprehensive nursing care report can serve as a reference for future nurses.
起訖頁 117-124
關鍵詞 結核性腦膜炎學齡前期兒童身體活動功能障礙Tuberculous meningitisPre-school childImpaired physical mobility
刊名 新臺北護理期刊  
期數 201104 (13:1期)
出版單位 臺北醫學大學
該期刊-上一篇 一位迴腸造口周圍皮膚嚴重潰瘍病患之照護經驗




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