中文摘要 |
家庭暴力與性侵害是一個全球性健康、社會及法律的問題,也是世界衛生組織(WHO)與護理國際委員會(ICN)等國際性組織所極力關注的健康議題。護理人員在健康照顧系統中更因第一線接觸家庭暴力及性侵害受害者,而扮演著舉足輕重的角色。國內外研究指出家庭暴力及性侵害防治的教育對護理人員在處理家庭暴力及性侵害個案的態度、知識、處置方式、臨床表現以及處理結果有相當程度的影響。然而國內相關研究卻顯示只有15%到56%的臨床護理人員表示曾於護理學校教育中接受過家庭暴力及性侵害防治的課程。再者我國的護理教育中有關家庭暴力及性侵害防治的課程內容、施行方式與相關的臨床實習亦無一定的標準與規範,使得護理教育工作者欲將家庭暴力及性侵害防治整合至護理課程中亦無所適從。本文期望由檢視現今國內護理教育中家庭暴力及性侵害防治的課程與對未來之願景與規劃的描述,喚起護理從業人員、護理教育工作與政策制訂者的共鳴並凝聚共識,將家庭暴力及性侵害防治的課程做整合與規範並列入護理教育課程中,期使護理人員在工作職場上更有效的防治家庭暴力與性侵害,並更稱職得扮演此舉足輕重的角色。Domestic violence and sexual abuse are issues related to global health, society, and law. They are also the issues which World Health Organization (WHO) and International Council of Nursing (ICN) have been paying high attention to. Nurses play important roles in domestic violence and sexual abuse prevention and intervention by standing on the front line of the health care system, encountering domestic violence and sexual abuse cases. Studies have addressed the influence of domestic violence and sexual abuse education on nurses' attitudes, knowledge, management, clinical performance, and management outcomes of domestic violence and sexual abuse prevention and intervention. However, studies have also shown that only 15% to 56% of clinical nurses have ever received domestic violence and sexual abuse education from nursing curriculums in Taiwan. Therefore, the integration of domestic violence and sexual abuse prevention and intervention into nursing curriculum is critical. Moreover, the nursing education system in Taiwan has not established the standard and the regulation of domestic violence and sexual abuse prevention and intervention for nursing curriculum content, teaching strategy, and relevant clinical practice of nursing education. Without the standard and the regulation, nursing educators have no guidelines for integrating domestic violence and sexual abuse prevention and intervention into nursing curriculum. This article aims at describing the vision and the schematization, arousing nurses' and nursing educators' resonance, and coming up a common view about integrating domestic violence and sexual abuse prevention and intervention into nursing curriculum. This will contribute to nurses' greater performance and their decisive roles in domestic violence and sexual abuse prevention and intervention. |