許多產婦對分娩的知識不清楚,而易於分娩時造成情緒及行為失控。本研究的目的,在於了解產婦觀看分娩 過程錄影帶後,分娩自我控制增加情形。本研究分為實驗組與控制組兩組,以區段式隨機分派來進行收案。實驗組在產前產檢完後觀看研究者所拍攝的錄影帶。兩組於產婦懷孕36週後,以及產後三天內各填寫一次問卷,共 72人。結果顯示:(一)觀看錄影帶對增進分娩自我控制上有顯著的統計差異。(二)觀看錄影帶對產婦分娩時間無顯著統計差異。(三)觀看錄影帶對產婦使用催產藥物無統計上的顯著差異。(四)胎次不同對分娩自我控制有顯著統計差異,其餘年齡、職業、陪產對象、教育程度不同對產婦分娩自我控制無顯著統計差異。 本研究結果,顯示錄影帶之產前指導成效良好,建議錄影帶公開播放,嘉惠更多產婦。The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of childbirth videotape on control of childbirth. The participants were assigned to either a control group or an experimental group by block randomization. Participants in the experimental group watched the videotape before their labor and delivery. The data were collected using questionnaires. A pre-test was done after thirty-six weeks of gestation . A post-test was done within three days after delivery. There were seventy-two participants in this study. The results of this study were presented as follows: (1). A statistically significant difference on control of childbirth by women who had watched the videotape and who had not. (2). No statistically significant difference in labor time by women who had watched the videotape and who had not. (3). No statistically significant difference in using induction drugs by women who had watched the videotape and who had not. (4). A statistically significant difference on control of birth between primiparas and multiparas. These results suggest that people can use the videotape to serve pregnant women to learn the process of childbirth in the hospital. |